Amaya Press Book
Some press articles about Amaya:
WebDirekt OnLine, 9 Dezember 2009
Amaya neueste Version 11 jetzt erhรคltlich - Jonathan Schwede
"Amaya ist ein hilfreiches Webeditingtool direkt vom World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), das kostenfrei mit der aktuellen Version 11 verfรผgbar ist."
Logiciels PC, novembre, 2009
Amaya - Edition en ligne
"A tout moment, vous pouvez donc รฉditer les pages que vous visitez, pour ยซ voir ce que cela donnerait ยป par exemple. Le rรฉsultat pourra ensuite รชtre sauvegardรฉ localement si nรฉcessaire. Un outil de test et d'expรฉrimentation unique et d'une trรจs grande richesse fonctionnelle."
Framasoft, novembre, 2008
Amaya - Frรฉdรฉric Wang - Framasoft
"En tant qu’outil d’รฉdition, Amaya produit un code de trรจs bonne qualitรฉ et convient aussi bien aux utilisateurs novices qu’aux experts des langages Web. L’interface actuelle est bien meilleure que par le passรฉ grรขce au travail effectuรฉ dans le cadre du projet Palette. Les possibilitรฉs de visualiser, combiner et รฉditer des langages comme XHTML, MathML, SVG et CSS dans un mรชme outil est un plus certain par rapport ร ce qui se fait ailleurs".
Hitflip Lexikon, February, 2007
Amaya - der Webbrowser fรผr Webentwickler - Hitflip
"Wie einfach die Software zu bedienen ist, findet man im Selbstversuch am besten raus. Man lรคdt und installiert die knapp 8 MB groรe Datei auf seinem Rechner und ruft dann eine Webseite nach Wahl auf. Nun klickt man direkt in den Text und kann diesen auf ohne Umwege verรคndern. Besitzt man Schreibrechte fรผr den Server, kann man nach einem Klick auf „Save“ das Dokument wieder speichern. Wirklich einfach!".
Portsmouth Herald Local Business News, 30 November, 2006
Amaya a win for Web coding - by Bill Dubie and Dave Sciuto
"The lack of a right-click menu annoyed us, as did the inability to easily change text color and font, but as a "what you see is what you get" tool, Amaya let us edit our content and simultaneously view the code. Amaya's strength lies in its support of strict XHTML and XML standards".
NewsForge, 20 July, 2005
A trio of open source niche browsers - by Lee A. Spain
"The special capabilities of Amaya should make it appealing to a variety of niche audiences. For example, academics, journalists, and other researchers should find the annotation features useful for adding their own notes to useful Web content. These notes would be available whenever they return to the page with Amaya. Web authors can readily use the tool to create Web content or collaborate with other writers. Finally, mathematicians and scientists should also embrace Amaya for its ability to create and display Web pages that use MathML. Currently, only Mozilla/Firefox, Netscape, and Amaya natively support MathML".
Linux Magazine HS, Juin/Juillet, 2005
Initiation ร Amaya 9.1 - par Yves Bailly
"Amaya fait partie de ces rares รฉditeurs capables de crรฉer et d'afficher correctement des formules mathรฉmatiques dรฉcrites selon la norme MathML".
<Glazblog/>, 3 February, 2005
Amaya 9.0 beats (easily) Nvu on CSS because of Gecko - by Daniel Glazman
"Amaya 9.0 has a wonderful feature. I mean it has a feature I wish we could have in Gecko for Nvu and in fact all Gecko-based applications because it would allow us to finely debug stylesheets. Amaya is able from the computed style of a given property on a given element, to climb the Cascade and retrieve the CSS declaration that eventually triggered, after the whole Cascade's process, that computed value."
Libรฉration, 3 fรฉvrier, 2005
Au salon du logiciel libre, les managers font leur marchรฉ - par Alexandre Laurent
" Amaya, environnement complet d'รฉdition et navigateur pour le web intรจgre une foule de fonctionnalitรฉs dont ne disposent pas les รฉquivalents payants. Libre, cela va de soi. ยซLe but est de faire des pages conformes aux recommandations du W3C (consortium qui crรฉe des standards pour le web, ndlr), vraiment accessibles ร tous. Par exemple, Amaya incite fortement le crรฉateur de site ร mettre un texte alternatif sur les images, pour que les non-voyants qui le frรฉquenteront ne soient pas trop pรฉnalisรฉs.ยป ..."
Freshmeat, January 18, 2003
Lightweight Web Browsers -by Kamil Klimkiewicz
"Amaya is one of the most interesting applications covered in this short article. The project is managed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a quite solid institution. It is used as a testing ground for new Web technologies (it supports MathML, SVG, etc.). The first public version dates to 1996, and the current one is 7.1. It is developed very actively; new releases are published very often, sometimes more than once a month. Nevertheless, it is fairly stable. ... Since the W3C uses Amaya to showcase its new technologies, it supports many standards, even the newest ones. It gives you an opportunity to check them out and even (thanks to its editing capabilities) create something really interesting."
WinWriters, February, 2002
WinWriters Manages Update of Online Documentationfor the W3C Amaya Editor/Browser
"A team of volunteer writers, managed by Matthew Ellison of WinWriters, recently completed an update of the online documentation for version 5.3 of the Amaya editor/browser."
Linux Magazine (, December, 2001
Browsers - Seeing into the Future - by Richard Ibbotson
"These exciting new developments range from the latest in XHTML and the use of HTTP/1.1 with its advantages of built in security and pipelining to save that precious resource of bandwidth. Then there is methyl (MathML) and Scalable Vector Graphics protocols coming to assist in the presentation of technical subjects but treated with the ease of pain text. ... So, Amaya isn't so much a Web Browser, it's much more a browser into what the Web will be. Great fun for tinkerers and web designers who want to be on the bleeding edge of developments.", November 21, 2001
SVG: Where Are We Now? - by Antoine Quint
"Using Amaya you can edit multi-XML-namespaced documents in a WYSIWYG manner. In fact, Amaya is the only tool out there that allows for SVG content generation as part of an XML document, WYSIWYG-style."
Science et Vie, Octobre, 2001
Gloser sur les pages - Serge Courrier (p 152)
"Avec Annotea, tout internaute peut ajouter ร une page Web des notes de son cru, que liront ensuite (s'ils le dรฉsirent) les autres visiteurs du site."
MSNBC, July 19, 2001
A standard for e-comments - by Glenn McDonald
"reprinted" from Technology Review
"Got a few choice thoughts about what you see on the Web? Enter Annotea, a new technology that lets you annotate existing Web documents with commentary of your own."
Technology Review, July 16, 2001
A Standard for e-Comments - by Glenn McDonald
"The World Wide Web Consortium's Amaya is a proving ground for browser technologies, including Annotea, which lets you add comments to any Web document.", May 09, 2001
Report from WWW10 - by Edd Dumbill
"In order to view or add annotations, you need a user agent which supports them. Amaya, the W3C browser/editor, has pretty sophisticated support for annotations and is a good place to start experimenting."
The XML Cover Pages, March 9, 2001
W3C Annotea Project Supports Collaboration on the Web - Robin Cover
"The first client implementation of Annotea is W3C's Amaya browser and authoring tool. Annotea is 'open': it uses and helps to advance W3C standards when possible."
PC Professionell, March 2001
Amaya 4.2.1, Browsen in die Zukunft - von Stefan Flormont
"Wer sich mit Web-Standards von morgen befassen will, braucht einen Client, um die neuartigen Codes betrachten und bequem schreiben zu kรถnnen. Ein solches Tool ist Amaya. Sehr komfortabel vereint das Programm Browsen, Editieren und Server-Upload"
<?xmlhack?>, November 13, 2000
Annotate the Web with Amaya and RDF - Leigh Dodds
"Amaya, the W3Cs web browser/authoring tool, now supports collaborative annotations of web content using RDF."
MAXIMUM Linux, Juillet/Aoรปt 2000
Crรฉer une page Web avec Amaya - by Moรฏse Valvassori
"Face au dรฉveloppement d'Internet, l'univers Linux n'est pas en reste. Le navigateur/รฉditeur Amaya s'avรจre mรชme รชtre un atout.....Lร oรน il รฉtait souvent nรฉcessaire de connaรฎtre le langage HTML sur le bout des doigts, notamment pour pallier les alรฉas de la mise en forme sur le Net, le logiciel de navigation et d'รฉdition Amaya veille au grain."
Le Monde, 12 Avril 2000
Trois questions ร ... Irรจne Vatton - by Mathieu Crocq
"Amaya rend la crรฉation des documents aussi simple que leur lecture : c'est ce qui le diffรฉrencie, depuis sa naissance, des produits commerciaux. Mais Amaya est surtout un outil de recherche, qui nous permet de nous projeter dans l'avenir. Nous travaillons sur des projets et des normes qui n'intรฉressent pas les industriels : le langage de description des formules mathรฉmatiques MathML, par exemple, indispensable ร l'enseignement."
Webmaster, March 2000
Amaya - Paweł Przewłocki
"I na tym zakończymy nasz opis przeglądarki o wdzięcznej nazwie Amaya. Jest to niewątpliwie ciekawe rozwiązanie. Czy na tyle ciekawe, aby warto było wyprรณbować własnoręcznie jego wady i zalety? Odpowiedź na to pytanie pozostawiam Tobie, Szanowny Czytelniku.", January 14, 2000
Web Browsing on Linux - by Chris Halsall
"One of the joys of Amaya is that it's more than a browser. It's also a WYSIWYG editor with an extremely powerful set of tools to help web authors create, analyze, and debug their HTML documents... There simply isn't time to go over all of the abilities of Amaya, but one very compelling reason to give it a try is the variety of different document views available."
PC Week, June 6, 1999
W3C' Amaya Browser Simplifies Web Editing - by Jim Rapoza
"Every company should test the W3C's experimental browser, if only for a valuable glimpse at the future of the Web. Businesses evaluating Web content management packages should also investigate Amaya because most of its editing capabilities are both more effective and easier to use than those provided by content management applications."
The Times, March 24, 1999
Pages for new ages - by Ben Hammersley
"Amaya gets back to Berners-Lee's original vision: that people should be able to use the Web not just as a place to publish finished work, but as the place where the creation is done. "
Le Monde, 19 Janvier 1998
Amaya, la troisiรจme voie - by Yves Eudes
"Il a intรฉgrรฉ dรจs sa conception toutes les fonctions d'รฉdition de pages Web, se hissant d'emblรฉe au niveau des รฉditeurs commerciaux les plus perfectionnรฉs. Avec Amaya, un auteur de site Web peut modifier ร distance le contenu et la maquette de ses pages, aussi facilement que s'il travaillait sur un simple traitement de texte."
IX Online, November 1996
W3C's reference client: Amaya, version 0.8 - by Henning Behme
"As an editor, Amaya has the advantage of being the first to have implemented HTML 3.2 and style sheets. Amaya can also write files, including associated images, to a WWW server, instead of into the file system by HTTP."